Abbey Fouts for selects


Abbey Fouts (@abbeyfouts) — 176 cm / 5’9.5″ — American from Texas/Nebraska — born July 25th — she/her.

Divide Management (New York – mother agency) Fusion Models (New York)

— How did you become a model?
I was originally scouted in Paris, France while studying abroad. I remember being completely shocked that someone had actually considered me model material, seeing that I look like an eyebrow-less child. After graduating, I got scouted a few more times on Instagram while working a hodgepodge of jobs, including a short stint as a preschool teacher (although we don’t talk about that). This really made me think that getting scouted once wasn’t just a fluke and that maybe modeling might just be the thing for me. So, a few months ago, I applied to a few agencies and ended up signing with the most amazing mother agency, Divide Management. And just last week, I signed with Fusion Model Management. Needless to say, I am very excited for what the future holds. Goodbye Nebraska, hello New York City!

— What are three interesting facts about you?
1. I have a literal cornfield in my backyard.
2. I have a severe obsession with Hidden Valley Ranch. My ranch obsession is so drastic that I legitimately packed a bottle in my suitcase when studying abroad because a friend had warned me that ranch was not a thing in the U.K.
3. Baby Shark is my favorite song of all time, and I listen to it at least once a day.

— One thing people may be surprised to find out about you:
Considering I don’t look a day over twelve, I think people might be surprised that I have both a bachelor’s degree in English & Creative Writing and a substitute teaching license.